Three-phase electric motor

The producers represented by our company are pioneers on their market in terms of quality and reliability and our partners happily install their IE3 premium efficiency high quality three-phase electric motors in their projects. These motors are produced from quality materials with modern technology and comply to the EU standards. All types (IM B3, B5, B14, B34, etc.) of three-phase electric motors with aluminium or cast iron cases are available in our selection.

Single-phase electric motor

The producers represented by our company are pioneers on their market in terms of quality and reliability. Our partners happily install their premium efficiency high quality single-phase electric motors in their projects. These motors are produced from quality materials with modern technology and comply to the EU standards. All types (IM B3, B5, B14, B34) of single-phase electric motors with aluminium or cast iron cases are available in our motor selection.

Brake electric  motor

We offer excellent brake electric motors for all industry areas. The task of these motors is to stop in a given position, avoiding the overturn form inertia that is typical of other electric motors after switch-off. The electric motors are equipped with DC brakes and built-in rectifier, therefore the brakes need no other power source. On demand we supply our brake electric motors with manual switch to release the brake in case of a power outage.

Explosion proof electric motor

The explosion proof motors sold by our company comply with the related standards of the EU, are usable in both dust and gas-explosion threathened situations and have the ATEX certificate. Their areas of application are: situations where fire and explosion danger is high (Oil/gas industry, chemical industry, medical industry, mining industry, etc.)

Double speed electric motor

Our selection includes the double speed, mutli-gear and Dahlander electric motors. These electric motors are able to switch the rev of the motor by changing the pole pairs.


The application of vibromotors is unavoidable in a large number of industries. First of all: construction, milling, chemical industry. Vibromotors are the best solution for dividing and mixing various materials. We also offer explosion proof vibromotors.

DC electric motor

Large capacity DC electric motors are best suited to heavy industry, steel industry, paper industry and other similar areas. Small capacity DC motors and engines are produced for the tool and automobile industries.